Jun 21, 2010

Singapore World Qualifiers.

From what i heard,there were fucktons of '' Black Feathers and Machina''

There were also '' Lightsworns '' '' Frog BURN '' Froggy Monarchs ''

I got this from ''Blackie Redemption's Blog '' Credits to him.

Brainy, Machina
Jeric , BF
Shifu, SporeLORDS
Alex Goh, BF

120 TO 128 Pple joined today. many machina and Bf, 4 to 6 Lightlords, 2 to 4 frog decks , 1 perfect declarer deck.

Im actually amazed '' Sporelords '' made it to top 3,appreantly '' LS '' are not dead.

And for 1st, '' Machina Gadgets '' Just wow... Gratz

Thats all :D

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