Jun 1, 2010

Caius the Shadow Monarch

Its an awesome game breaking card actually, i would put 3 copies if i ran a Monarch Deck.

Sometimes when youre opponent is left with 3400 lifepoints and you manage to top-deck this card and worst case scenario is that your Opponent has set a '' Dark '' Monster means it game.

This card is so useful, It can remove almost all Synchros , all Traps , all Magic
For example :

The all popular,Jet black whirlwind, Stardust, Set traps, and a lot lot more...

Its incredibly easy to summon too in a Quickdraw dandy warrior.

Set a Dandylion, Tribute it for a +2 , Remove 1 card and Punch into a low attacking monster or depends whatever situation youre in.

Recently at Shriek.

A player from japan seems to run, 2 Caius in hero beat..why...youre asking its simple...

Scenario 1 is that:

I fusion summon out Shining, by removing 2 heroes from graveyard using '' Miracle fusion ''

I tribute my Shining for Caius and immediately claim a + 2 card advantage, and i dunno maybe you have Fusion gate, you could always rinse and repeat.

or Scenario 2 is that :

You fusion summoned '' Elemental hero, Absolute Zero '' You have a Caius in your hand,
Trinute Zero for a Clear field wipe and Remove a [ Trap , set card ] and Direct a 2400 punch.

They say this is one of the best card and its a Staple in every deck. But never Forget, Raiza and Mobius too have thier advantage, as well as cuzzin , Thesalos.

Ill elaborate some on Mobius, They say in todays game,most cards are chainable, so mobius doesnt really work great, but think of it as another way to get rid of Oppressions or Dimensional prison.See.. thats a whole new way right.

How about Thesalos, Cards which focuses on having '' Hand Advantage '' Dont mention '' Infernity '' la , in order for them to maximize full combo,thier hand must be empty, Light beat or BF, maybe you tributed Thesalos and managed to rip a D.A.D or Heavy storm off Opponent hand and thats a + 1 .

However Monarch decks also have thier own weaknesses, as ''pulling the rug'' is often sided against to get rid of Monarch.

But Every deck has weaknesses right, haha...

Infernity gets owned by ''Holy Light '' thats one thing for sure.

Thats all , :)

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