Oct 6, 2010

||| X ||| <--

Hello Bloggers and Good Afternoon ! Today i present to you , '' X Sabers ''

Since i have 2 ''Boggart Knights'' that my friend sold me , and ''Extra Pack 3'' has already came out, might as well use the Resources.

This deck could use some '' Darksouls ''

Sigh... Gotta wait like a year before we could get that exclusive.

Quick and Simple Explanation.

1) ''Boggart'' , Normal summon , Special Summon then Special Summon '' Faultroll ''

2) ''Ryko'' mills cards to your graveyard which makes , ''Faultroll'' and ''Raigigura'' and ''Gottoms'' easier to use.Since all of them abuse the Grave anyways .

3) Fitted in 2 ''Book of Moons and 2 Enemy Controller'' because , ._. sigh i only have two book of moons left.Try to fit in 3, Because '' FlamKnight '' can attack softer monsters which bring out ''lvl 4'' Monsters from your grave.

The rest i think is actually pretty self explanatory.

Thats all for today :)

Actually i dont really know what to make from now onwards... ._. sigh

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