Oct 6, 2010

Card Trooper

''Card Trooper'' , An awesome card in many ways.

Playable currently in Meta decks , ''Scraps'' , ''Quickdandy'' , ''X- Sabers'' and many more

Why play it ?

1) First of all, it mills 3 , Might accidently send '' Treeborn Frogs, Spore, Grow Up bulb , Wulf? .You can later ''pot'' it back for later usage

2) Milling 3 , It becomes a ''Beatstick '' , Becoming 1900 which can go toe to toe with ''Rai-Oh'' and many more ''1900'' Attack monsters

3) When ''destroyed'' You draw a card

4) It becomes a ''Debris Dragon '' food which makes up fro ''Blackrose Dragon '' and many more.

5) When summoned with ''Debris'', you can still mill 3 (it's a cost) and when'' destroyed'' you can draw .. or most importantly, you mill.

So peeps. Why not play 1.

Thats all folks :D


Michael Bonacini said...

im too scared to mill cold wave/trunade honestly. but im starting to warm up to card trooper again...

mike9944 said...

i agree. milling my trap stuns and Gottoms emergency call which wins games is definitely not good, i wond take the chance XD good in quuickdraw tho!