Mar 12, 2011

Sunday Post.

Hello there Its Sunday , Youre probably at home sleeping for sunday, well me im here blogging and telling you how broken ''Machine Emperor Sephiron'' is

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot beSpecial Summoned, except by having 10 or more Monster Cards in your Graveyard. Once per turn, you can Special Summon 1 Level 8 or higher Fairy-Type monster from your hand or Graveyard. Itseffect(s) is negated, and its ATK becomes 4000.

At first look , 10 monsters , yeah it sounds crazy. Some are thinking Kristia while some are thinking well Darklord Zerato , well you can also think of Asmodius and others . But who cares right the effect is ''Negated'' , and its attack become 4000.

Wait... WHAT? 4000?

Doesnt this mean if you have a empty field , most likely you trunaded your opponents field. And you happen to have 10 Monsters and you brought Sephiron out , it will result in a 1 turn kill? well yeah i guess it does Happen.

Most likely people will think 10 Monsters , thats pretty hard , actually its not that hard really. :)

If youre playing a '' Full Monster Deck '' well Yeah , see looking at the bright side , its not so hard bringing it out. All you need to put in

3 Magical Merchant

3 Ryko ?

LOL . Simply put in 1 ~ 2 Sephiron and throw in 2 Darklord or 2 Kristia or 2 Asmodius ( I know you cant special summon HIM from the Grave )

There you go . This is most likley to waste your opponents Divine Warning or Bottomless ( oops sorry for pointing that out as this is a Ignition effect , Once bottomless , Its no Prioroteh.

Next moving on .


WIN. I would pay 20 dollars for this card , I am making a prediction that this card will be of good use to any deck coz with all those '' Bottomless Trap '' hole running around and traps.

1) Torrential
2) Mirror Force

And other sorts of crap out there.

Back a week from now. I thought this card was utter crap , until i decided to use it in my Tech Genus deck , man its working wonders . Opponents flips Bottomless on my TG - Wonder , I flip this up and Pops a card and guess what im still surviving.

Today.. just like any other day, im opening Shriek.

Guess what , This dude plays 3 in his Gladiator Deck . I thought of this actually but then man this is awesome , this card will have a bright future.

There you go.

And Wiseman Chalice

If you control no monsters, Select 1 monster in your opponent'sGraveyard. Special Summon it. During the End Phase of this turn, give control of that Special Summoned monster to your opponent. The monster cannot be Tributed, or used as a Synchro Material Monster, while it is face-up on the field.

Man. Ive been reading the whole post from Pojo. From Thread 1 ~ i dunno 10 i guess. So this card says it cannot be used as synchro material didnt say it cant be used fr Exceeed.

They say that this card is going to be the next '' Mind Control '' which you know the whole thread is funny.

So.. Some of these guys which actually believe decided to bu like 60 peices of em, and waiting for the price to Jackup. And i guess sells it back on Ebay. While they bought it. Coz frankly its rather suspicious that people are actually spamming for this card , so.. Ebay decided to raise it from 0.38 cents per peice to 1.40 . Which holy cow.. made me laugh like hell.

But you never know. Judging by the cover of this card , Hmm Its possible that people are going to put maybe 1 to 2 into the deck.

But Haha. I guess thats all for today , Thanks for reading .

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