Aug 27, 2010

BF September Format

Hello again readers lol. :)

Decided to have a go at BF for september :O

Anyways First of all, i mained 2 Effect Veiler and Tested and its really good.But what happen if my opponent doesnt use much Effects '' '' so i took it out and replaced with 2 ''Book of moons '' , and sided for later use.But seriously the meta Nowadays is using crap effects...

I also put in ''2 Raiou'' , which is very good in the format , stops
''adding cards and special summons ''

For drawpower i added an extra '' Bf treasure '' Its like a Pot of Duality , but i ran out of stock for it.You can put in duality because in todays format its also very good.

For traps ;

1 Starlight road , incase opponent plays too much '' Black Rose Dragons ''


''Dark hole''
''Torrential '' Etc etc..

3 Icarus is ghey . How i wonder Konami never really bothered this card . Although ''Starlight road'' is there to protect it.

and 2 Delta Crow , i would say this to my opponent '' Oh come on set la, set more la , really not afraid of '' Delta '' issit . muahahaha....

Lastly a '' Royal Oppression '' after controlling the field. Open it up .. and watch the show.

Hmm 2nd post for the day :)

Thats all :D

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